Monday, November 16, 2009

i wish i could quit you

Awesome, that is. I wish I could quit using the word awesome. I guess more accurately I have a love-hate relationship with the word. On the one hand it sounds flat out stupid. People, I specifically, use it incorrectly all the time. Seriously, here are some recent quotes:
  • You have Oreos? Awesome!
  • Gossip Girl, on the other hand, is scripted awesomeness.
  • Folex, my new spot-cleaner, is awesome. Awe. Some.
Not a one of those things inspires awe. And, a couple points in my defense about the statements above 1) Oreos are delicious, they may be terrible for you and full of chemicals, but the chemicals work - they're delicious; 2) that statement was about the first two seasons of Gossip Girl, this season has been decidedly less awesome; 3) this is the closest to actually inspiring awe - it's a really good spot cleaner - judge me all you want for being this excited about carpet cleaner.

I went through a phrase during which I was decidedly anti-awesome. I had spent a lot of time around a conservative coworker who kept talking about God's awesome power, God's awesome love, God's awesome awesomeness, etc. And, yeah, technically she was using the word correctly, but it was really annoying. I don't want to be annoying, I especially don't want to be annoying in the same way as a religious wackadoo.

But, there are times when awesome just feels so right. For instance, the web site that letter A is from, Daily Drop Cap, is just awesome. And totally free.

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