Wednesday, November 4, 2009

how robyn got her groove back...

Well, actually it's not so much that I've gotten my groove back. It's more like I lost my groove and now I'm posting lost groove posters all over the neighborhood. Except, I'm not actually posting any posters. And, by groove I don't mean the kind that can be cured by an affair by a young (Taye Diggs) Jamaican while on holiday (although that wouldn't hurt), but more like I'm just off. I'm not as funny as I could be, I'm listless at work, doing the very bare minimum to get by. I've even let my house approach disaster disorganization level. It's to the point that I fantasize about the ways that I could organize my closets while I should be building spreadsheets, and when I get home I'm so tired from all the boredom that I just sit and watch hours of not-that-interesting TV.

I think to some degree this feeling comes with the changing of the seasons. Also, I just need some changes. So, I'm blogging. We'll see if the Internet is my young Jamaican. Maybe I can get Taye Diggs and the Internet; that sounds like an unstoppable combination.

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