Sunday, November 1, 2009

Are You There Internet? It's Me, Robyn

And so it begins. I've been wanting to start blogging for a while now. Seriously, I'll stand in line behind someone with an interesting tattoo and think maybe I should blog about the interesting (read: bizarre) tattoos I encounter. But then I don't. Or, I'll pass something odd while I'm commuting, like the time I passed the Northwest Taxidermy Academy, complete with partially stuff giraffe out front, and think "the Internet must now about this." But, then I don't. I kept thinking that I had to have a theme. Like my commute, or interesting tattoos, or "damn, people are weird". But, nothing seemed quite right. So, I'm taking the pressure off. I'm just going to blog and see how this thing goes. And that's when I made my resolution. That I would blog about whatever I felt like blogging about, and just see how it goes. That was a couple weeks ago. So, it's obviously not been going well.

All of that is going to change, though. And do you know why, Internet? I have resolved. Yup, I realized that today is the first day of November. And while it's not the beginning of a new calendar year, it is the day I made my first November Resolution. I'm blogging every day and we'll see how it goes. So, Hi Internet, it's nice to meet you. I'm Robyn, we'll be spending some time together. Buckle up.

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